Kingdom Soul

While We Wait...

When Jesus was leaving the earth, He promised to come back for the believers. He was going to prepare a place for us and when all is set, He would come for us, so that wherever He is, there we would also be. It’s been a long time He left and si...

He Sought For A Man

From the beginning, God has always sought for people. He seeks for people to have a real relationship with them. That’s why He walked in the Garden of Eden in the cool of the day to enjoy a relationship with the first man and woman (Genesis 3:8...

Eternal Bliss Of The Redeemed

Do you often remember that the redeemed will be with Lord? This is our joy and hope. Our eternity as the redeemed will be with the Lord. We will live forever with God in eternal happiness. God wants us to rise up each day with this hope afresh in us....

More Than Enough

When you get to the point that God is more than enough for you, then you’ve reached that place that the Lord desires for all of His children. When God is all in your life; when your life depends solely on Him, you are living in the fullness of ...

The Ultimate Saviour: What He Did For Us At The Cross

Jesus Christ is the Ultimate Saviour. He is the only Saviour of the whole world given by God. There is no other Saviour except Him. He has always been our Saviour from the foundations of the earth, even before He was manifested on earth more than 2,0...

Growing In Grace

Every child from birth is expected to grow. Though growth doesn’t happen over-night, there would be signs of it as the child progresses. No parent would be happy when a child shows no sign of growth or development. This is the same thing in the...

Consider Your Options

The decisions we make in life are weighty. Most times they determine a lot. Good decisions are gratifying while poor or wrong decisions can lead to hurts and disappointments. A lot of people have made wrong decisions in the area of businesses and are...

It Was a Lie

As Christians we are not just confronted with the evil in the world. We also face the lies of the enemy. He is constantly telling us lies about ourselves and about our situations. What we make of those lies is very important because it determine...

Don’t Take it Lightly

The son of God left His throne and came to the earth. One reason brought Him to the earth- the salvation of mankind. If there was any other way to save us, Jesus wouldn’t have come. If we could take care of our redemption, Jesus wouldn’t ...

There Is God In Them

Don’t pack your suitcase in search of God. He’s right where you are. We meet Him everyday. We see Him everyday. God comes to us everyday but unfortunately we walk pass Him because we have another idea of how He should appear to us. We wan...