He Sought For A Man
From the beginning, God has always sought for people. He seeks for people to have a real relationship with them. That’s why He walked in the Garden of Eden in the cool of the day to enjoy a relationship with the first man and woman (Genesis 3:8). But that didn’t work out well. Notwithstanding, God wasn’t deterred. Till this day, He still seeks for a man or a woman whose heart is upright in the quest for Him.
Unfortunately, it’s difficult to find such people. It’s difficult to find people that seek God for who He is and not just for earthly gains and gratifications. The world is full of people that seek God because of material gains; people that seek God when they are in need and because of their wants. When things get better, they live like they’ve never known God before; like He’s never been good to them. Such people see God only as a giver and a problem solver, having no knowledge of Him as the God that loves relationship with His creature. But nobody likes being used; likewise God. That’s why it displeases the Lord that people no longer seek Him sincerely for who He is.
God knows our needs and heart desires. He knows the troubles and the life challenges that are facing us. Let’s love Him for who He is and He will take care of everything. That’s what He said in Matthew 6:33. God is not one to be reminded of His duty, especially when we play our part. He desires to have a beautiful relationship with us with no attachments to it. He wants to shower His love on us if we’ll let Him and He wants us to love Him back. Here’s what He said in 2 Chronicles 16:9.
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.
God's eyes run to and fro on earth seeking for true worshipers. He is seeking for those who will walk with Him sincerely, not for gains that don’t last. And to those that seek Him in the integrity of their hearts He will glory Himself and show them the greatness of His name. Even without asking, they will witness the blessings that accompany the presence of the Lord in all their affairs. As the Scripture says, God would show ‘… Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him’.
When the Scripture talks about a perfect heart, God is referring to those whose hearts are totally His; completely surrendered and sold out to Him. For this reason we are told to love God with all our heart, with all our mind and with all our strength. That stipulates the kind and order of relationship the Lord wants to have with us.
Most of the time God’s call is individual. Though we are one body and He loves the Church and the unity, He calls us individually to an intimate walk with Him. He doesn’t walk with us as a crowd. Rather He develops a relationship with us personally. That’s why the Heavenly race is personal.
God is seeking for you to be completely His, not in words but in truth. Follow Him not because of the gift in His hand, but because of the love in your heart. Remember He first loved you. It’s only fair that you love Him too. Let love be the bases of your relationship with God. Let your relationship with Him be sincere. Be among those with the perfect heart of love, submission and dedication that He is seeking. He will show Himself strong on your behalf. You will enjoy a blessed and fulfilled life, with the sweet fellowship of the Lord if you will seek the Lord wholeheartedly and with singleness of heart.
Posted: October 03, 2018 04:51 pm
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