About Us
We preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, presenting His saving grace and the power in His Word for the salvation of man. It is our desire that many be saved in Jesus, be equipped and made ready for His return. The ministry of restoration and reconciliation is our focus.
In a world of chaos and uncertainty, man’s only hope is the grace that flows from the cross of Jesus Christ and the Word of God. We were bruised and damaged by sin, until He came to find us. He did that by going to the cross. Like the reed plant that grows, lives and thrives by the river bank, so we grow, live, thrive and flourish by the cross of Jesus and His Word.
We work to see people come back to God through Jesus Christ and at the end be with Him in His Kingdom for all eternity. We do all we do for the salvation of man, to the glory of God.
To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the salvation of man and to prepare man for His return.
We envision nations ready and fit for God’s coming Kingdom.