Eternal Bliss Of The Redeemed
Do you often remember that the redeemed will be with Lord? This is our joy and hope. Our eternity as the redeemed will be with the Lord. We will live forever with God in eternal happiness. God wants us to rise up each day with this hope afresh in us. This is the greatest joy of the believer.
One day, we will leave behind the troubles of this world. We will leave behind the sorrows and heartaches of this world. And we will be with the Lord forever in His presence, where there is no pain and sorrow; where there is no tear and no evil. This has been God’s plan from the beginning.
Our first parents- Adam and Eve were placed in a beautiful and perfect garden. They had everything going for them in that garden. They enjoyed everything, especially the beautiful presence of God. Until the enemy of man struck, everything was perfect. The fall was what separated us from God and from the beautiful garden He prepared for us. Sin caused the fall and our separation from God.
Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ what separated us from the Father was removed. We became reconciled to God and the promise of eternal happiness released unto every believer of Jesus Christ. This promise is the beauty of our faith. It is the culmination of all that we believe. It is our hope and joy.
The promise of a beautiful eternity with God keeps us going in the troubled world that we live in. Whatever unpleasant circumstances we may experience here, we know that our eternity will be different because we have been redeemed by the Lord. We will spend a beautiful eternity with Him.
Have you been redeemed? Do you believe in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work for you at Calvary? Have you accepted His work of grace for you? If you have, then keep this fire burning in you and let nothing quench it. Let the hope of your eternal bliss give you joy everyday. Know that you are briefly here to prepare for eternity. Let it spur you to live the redeemed life. Let your focus daily be on eternity. Rejoice in this beautiful hope and live with the attitude of the redeemed.
The redemption plan of God through His Son Jesus Christ is for every man. So if you have not made that decision to follow Jesus Christ, you can do it now. Make that important decision to follow the Lord. Accept Him into your life and surrender all at His feet. Let Him cleanse you from every iniquity. He will make you whole and place you on the path of righteousness. Daily walk in His presence and let Him hold your hand. He will keep you and preserve you for the beautiful eternity He planned for you before the foundations of the earth.
And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. Isaiah 35:10
Posted: September 12, 2018 06:49 pm
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