Your Next Move
As Christians we don’t run our lives. God does. We don’t have what it takes to live on our own. Our lives are directed and orchestrated by God. Moving ahead of Him or faster than Him is costly. Living outside of God like a fatherless child has dire consequences. The prodigal son is an example of a child that left his father, made plans on his own and lived on his own terms. He lost everything, suffered severe hardship and humiliation and came back empty.
God wants to be involved in our lives. That’s what a father does. We are favoured to have such a loving Father. He wants to know the tiny details as much as the great details of our lives. He is interested in every area of our lives. It is wrong to plan without Him. It is wrong to take decisions without finding out His will. Every plan and every decision must be brought before Him for approval guidance.
Most often, Christians take decisions and go on with it without involving God. They only remember God when things go wrong. They turn around to blame God and to ask Him questions; why He allowed them to lose so much money, property or get involved with the wrong people; why He didn’t send help when they needed it. They forget that they never sought to know His will in the first place. They never told Him about their venture. You can’t blame God for the failure of what you didn’t tell Him about or bring Him into. For the Christian, it’s wrong to take one step in life without God. Seeking His approval in everything we do is what He requires from us.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
In all your ways acknowledge God; not in some of your ways. Do not lean ‘unto thine own understanding’. Don’t think you’re wise and strong and capable of handling it on your own. Let God in, and letting Him in is for our own good. When we let Him in, He directs us. He gives us the wisdom and all we need to succeed. That’s how success is guaranteed. If it’s something we shouldn’t get involved with at all, He would tell us. However beautiful a prospect or proposal is, don’t accept it without God.
We shouldn’t wait until we fail before going to God. We don’t have to shed tears that should have been avoided. We don’t have to record losses that should have been averted. Let’s always go to God in everything; big or small. Don’t say a matter is too small to bother God. Always consult Him. He wants to know. He wants to get involved. He wants to lead the way.
Take your next move to God for approval. Don’t take another step without Him. Bring Him into everything you do and into every area of your life. Prayerfully seek His approval, wisdom, direction and even resources for the venture if needed. If He says don’t do it, don’t. If He says go ahead, be rest assured of success. Even as He gives His approval, make sure you keep Him in it all the way. Let Him be there with you every step of the way. That God gave His approval doesn’t mean you should run alone or sideline Him. You still need Him every step of the way for a complete success.
Life is a lot easier and beautiful when lived with God. Don’t live another day without Him. Don’t take another step without Him. Every major and minor decision must be brought before God. Lay all at His feet. Let Him in and keep Him in. Tell Him your next move. That way, your success is guaranteed.
Posted: November 14, 2018 03:02 pm
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