Restore Your Vision
What you focus on feeds your mind. What you feed on affects what you believe and what you believe decides the trajectory of your life. Hebrews 12:2 tells us to look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Beholding Jesus is beholding God and the promises of God that are in Him. Hebrews 1:3 says Jesus is the express image of God. Colossians 2:9 says in Him dwells the fullness of God. No wonder the Scripture tells us to look unto Him.
Our world is troubled. It is a fallen world. Even as Christians we face trials and life issues. Focusing on our circumstances instead of on Jesus shrinks our faith in God and steals our joy. It is of no good. The Scripture says we don't live by sight. We don't let what is happening in our world determine our lives. We don't let the ills and troubles of life blur or obstruct our vision of Jesus Christ. There's one sure way to live above and victorious. That sure way is fixing our eyes on Jesus. We don't live by sight but by faith through beholding the Lord.
Take your eyes off everything and fix them on Jesus. Restore your vision to the Lord. Let your gaze be on Him. Let Him be your single focus. Keeping your eyes on Him protects you from being tossed about by the evil works of the enemy. You won't be moved by circumstances around. Behold Jesus. Behold Him through His Word and promises. It is in Him we are victorious. In fixing our gaze and lives on Him, we win.
Posted: May 22, 2023 06:10 pm
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