In Times Like This...
The world is changing and things are moving fast. It’s getting darker everyday. Evil is taking centre stage on earth. It’s pushing to triumph over good. It’s becoming unsafe for the Christian faith and for the Christian. Being a Christian in a dark world is not a piece of cake to eat. There’s a war against us and against our God. We are fighting principalities and powers of darkness; spiritual wickedness in high places. In an evil and broken world, the Christians bear the brunt because we are the target of the enemy.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 3:12
We live in a world that is anti-God; a world ruled by the prince of darkness who is satan. The world’s aggression towards God, all that are sacred and called by His name and towards His people rises drastically each day. Every opportunity is used to oppose God, His children and His truth. Institutions and things created by God are being shamelessly attacked, perverted and destroyed. Evil is now called good and good called evil. The policies, principles and systems of the world are carefully designed to oppose God and target the believer. Truth is fast disappearing, confusing the feeble minded. They paint evil to look like good. Governments of this world have declared their stance against God. Not only have they done so, they are persecuting and forcing Christians to accept evil or face grave consequences. We are persecuted for the truth and for what is right. Jesus told us that iniquity shall abound. That’s where we are right now. Iniquity abounds and it can only get worse. But we were forewarned by the Lord, so we don’t lose hope, get discouraged or let our love go cold.
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12
What is expected of the Christian in times like this? What should be your disposition, lifestyle and attitude in a dark world? Firstly, know the truth. You must know the truth and be able to draw the line between good and evil so that you would not be easily swayed by evil, lies and deceit. Without the knowledge of the truth, you are at risk of being deceived. God’s truth is His Word, so study the Word and let the Holy Spirit guide you into all truth in all things. When you are armed with the truth by the Holy Spirit, you won’t be deceived. The outright lies and evil of this world, false teachings and doctrines circulated by ‘strange churches’ and false ministers of the Gospel won’t remove your feet from God and His truth. They won’t have a hold on you because you’re grounded in truth.
Secondly, live by the truth. Live in the righteousness of God which is made possible by His grace. Jesus calls you a city on a hill. A city on a hill cannot be hid. You are the light and the salt of this earth. So shine in God’s righteousness. You must live what you profess. You must live different from the world. You can’t be like them or live like them and say you are for God and on His side. Sin should no longer have dominion over you. Your righteousness must shine as light in a dark world of sin. That’s what makes the difference between us and them.
Thirdly, stand for God and His truth without wavering and without fear. Don’t sit on the fence. You can’t afford to do so in times like this. Neither should you be a passive Christian. Stand for God and His truth without fear of anyone or anything. You don’t fear man. You fear God. Even if you are the only one standing, keep standing. In the real sense, you are not standing alone. God is standing with you. It is better to stand with God and for Him than with the world in evil. One with God is majority. You may suffer persecution for it. You may lose things and be treated unfairly. That’s okay. Be happy that you’re suffering for the Kingdom and for God’s righteousness. Great is your reward in Him. So don’t give in to the enemy. Don’t give in because of their bullying. Don’t let them move you from the truth. Stand for it and defend it. Be strong. No man and nothing would be able to move you from God when you are resolved and determined.
As you daily live the Christian life, remember that Jesus is with you. He said He is with you till the end. He will never leave or forsake you. He is with you every step of the way. Always have your mind and affection on Him. Enjoy your fellowship with Him everyday. Live with Him and for Him one day at a time. In times like this, hold tightly to your faith and to who you are- the light. Let your focus be on Jesus. Keep loving Him. Keep living for Him. Keep telling about Him. Know that one day, we will see Him appear in the sky and we will be caught up together with Him. One day, He will come for us and our temporary afflictions can never be compared with the crown and the glory prepared for us. And in all these things, we are more than conquerors.
In times like this, know the truth; live by the truth; stand for God and for His truth without a shadow of doubt, without fear and without wavering. That is what is required of all ambassadors of Jesus on earth. Until the rapture takes place and we go with the Lord, we must represent Him on earth and that we must do well, as it is pleasing to Him. We must be the light and the salt of the earth, without losing our shine and our savour.
Posted: February 12, 2019 03:31 pm
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